100 |
DGIWG 2D Spatial Schema Profile |
1.0.1 |
2003-08-07 |
This is a subset of ISO 19107:2003 classes (clause 6 and 7) which is the minimum required to support a 2 dimensional and 2.5 dimensional spatial schema. The profile was conducted with the support and collaboration of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), which provided insight and guidance to maritime needs and requirements. |
101 |
Profile of ISO 19131 - Geographic Information - Data product specification |
1.0.0 |
2018-04-05 |
This is a descriptive profile of the ISO 19131:2007/Amd.1:2011 Geographic information -- Data product specifications. Its purpose is to define military requirements for the specification of data products and provide guidance for the creation of such data product specifications. |
103 |
Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard (DIGEST) Metadata Profile of ISO 19115 and ISO 19139 |
1.0.0 |
2008-12-16 |
This document defines the DIGEST metadata profile of ISO 19115 and ISO 19139. |
104 |
DGIWG Profile of JPEG 2000 for Georeferenced Imagery |
1.0.0 |
2014-02-04 |
This document provides a profile for JPEG 2000 for use as a compression format for raster imagery. JPEG 2000 uses discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for compressing raster data, as opposed to the JPEG standard, which uses discrete cosine transform (DCT). It is a compression technology which is best suited for continuous raster data, such as satellite imagery and aerial photography. |
104(2) |
DGIWG Profile of JPEG 2000 for Georeferenced and Referenceable Imagery |
2.1.3 |
2023-04-19 |
This document provides a profile for JPEG 2000 for use as a compression format for raster imagery. JPEG 2000 uses discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for compressing raster data, as opposed to the JPEG standard, which uses discrete cosine transform (DCT). It is a compression technology which is best suited for continuous raster data, such as satellite imagery and aerial photography. This version adds support for Referenceable imagery. |
108 |
GeoTIFF Profile for Georeferenced Imagery |
2.3.1 |
2020-07-07 |
This profile specifies the requirements and encoding rules that shall be used for the exchange of georeferenced imagery when opting to use the Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) and Geographic Tagged Image File Format (GeoTIFF) file format structures. The aim of this profile is to promote interoperability of rectified quadrilateral grid coverages within the military community. The 2nd edition extends the profile for TIFF compressions and additional multi-band capabilities (5 to 8 bands). Version 2.2.1 provides an additional optional TIFF_RSID tag as a unique file identifier for the TIFF file. Version 2.3 adds support / extension for the OGC GeoTIFF 1.1 and still handles GeoTIFF 1.0. |
109 |
Portrayal Standard for Multinational Geospatial Co-production (MGCP) Data |
2.0.1 |
2015-05-29 |
This standard defines the portrayal symbols and rulesets used to generate graphics from data collected in accordance with Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program (MGCP) technical reference documents. |
112 |
Defence Profile of OGC Web Map Service 1.3 Revision |
3.1 |
2024-09-10 |
This document defines specific DGIWG requirements, recommendations and guidelines for implementations of the ISO and OGC Web Map Service standards; ISO 19128:2005 Web Map Server Interface and the OpenGIS Web Map Server Implementation Specification 1.3.0. |
113 |
DGIWG Profiles of ISO 19107 and GML Realization |
1.0.0 |
2010-12-16 |
The document defines the spatial profiles of GML and documents the process used to derive these profiles from the DGIWG 2D and 3D profile of ISO 19107 spatial schema. |
114 |
DGIWG Metadata Foundation |
2.0.0 |
2017-07-12 |
Geospatial metadata profile for the military community, based on ISO 19115, ISO 19115-1 and ISO 19115-2. |
116-1 |
Elevation Surface Model (ESM) Standardized Profile |
1.1.1 |
2020-09-17 |
This Elevation Surface Model standardized profile specifies a content model for geospatial elevation surface data of any spatial resolution. It supports the modelling of material surfaces such as bare earth, vegetation canopy, and bathymetric surfaces. |
116-2 |
Elevation Surface Model (ESM): GML Application Schema |
1.0.2 |
2020-10-02 |
This document defines the ESM GML application schema and documents the process used to derive this application schema from the ESM UML model, associated to DGIWG 116-1. |
116-3-1 |
Elevation Surface Model (ESM) - Encoding Rules - Part 1: Core |
1.1.1 |
2020-10-02 |
This document defines the Encoding Rules on the basis of the ESM UML model and metadata, (DGIWG 116-1) and ESM GML application schema (DGIWG 116-2). |
116-3-2 |
Elevation Surface Model (ESM) - Encoding Rules - Part 2: GeoTIFF |
1.1.1 |
2020-10-02 |
This document defines the ESM Encoding Rules on the basis of the DGIWG GeoTIFF profile and the ESM UML model and metadata (DGIWG 116-1). It is to be used in conjunction with ESM Encoding Rules – Core (DGIWG 116-3-1). |
116-3-3 |
Elevation Surface Model (ESM) - Encoding Rules - Part 3: GMLJP2 |
1.1.1 |
2020-10-02 |
This document defines the ESM Encoding Rules on the basis of the DGIWG GMLJP2 profiles and the ESM UML model and metadata (DGIWG 116-1). It is to be used in conjunction with ESM Encoding Rules – Core (DGIWG 116-3-1). |
116-3-4 |
Elevation Surface Model (ESM) - Encoding Rules - Part 4: NATO Secondary Image Format (NSIF) |
1.1.1 |
2020-11-19 |
This document defines the ESM Encoding Rules on the basis of STANAG 4545 (NSIF) and the ESM UML model and metadata (DGIWG 116-1). It is to be used in conjunction with ESM Encoding Rules – Core (DGIWG 116-3-1). |
118 |
Portrayal Registry Service Interface Specification |
1.0.0 |
2013-04-11 |
The main part of this specification provides an interface-independent information model for a Portrayal Registry. Annex A specifies how the information model can be mapped to the CSW ebRIM registry interface. Annex B specifies a RESTful interface to the model. |
119 |
Defence Profile of OGC Web Coverage Service 2.0 |
1.0.0 |
2017-11-28 |
This document is a DGIWG profile of OGC’s WCS 2.0 Interface Standard – Core. It specifies the mandatory, conditional, and optional criteria for implementation within the Defence community. |
122 |
Defence Profile of OGC Web Feature Service 2.0 |
2.0.2 |
2019-10-30 |
This document defines the DGIWG profile for the ISO 19142:2010 - Web Feature Service (WFS) including changes made in the OpenGIS Web Feature Service 2.0 Interface Standard - Corrigendum. The Web Feature Service provides access to geospatial features in a manner independent of the underlying data store. |
124 |
Defence Profile of OGC Web Map Tile Service 2.0 |
2.0 |
2024-09-10 |
This document is a profile of OGC 07-057r7, v.2.0.0, dated 2024-09-10. It defines specific Defence requirements, recommendations and guidelines for implementations of a Web Map Tile Service. |
125 |
Defence Profile of OGC Catalogue Service for the Web 2.0 |
1.0.1 |
2018-03-01 |
This document is a DGIWG profile of OGC’s CSW 2.0.2 (OGC 07-006r1) and CSW ISO1.0 (OCG 07-045). |
126 |
DGIWG GeoPackage Profile 1.3.1 Ed.1 |
1.0 |
2023-09-22 |
This profile of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) GeoPackage standard enables DGIWG
member nations producing and sharing geospatial raster and feature data to discover,
understand, and utilize GeoPackages in a consistent interoperable format. |
130 |
Web Symbology |
1.0 |
2020-07-24 |
This document defines a common set of symbols which support the portrayal of feature data, as web services, across a full range of zoom levels. |
131 |
DGIWG 131 Standard Colours Ed1 |
1.0 |
2022-12-06 |
DGIWG Publication of DGIWG 131 Standard Colours Ed1 |
200 |
Defence Geospatial Information Framework (DGIF) - Overview |
3.0.0 |
2024-07-19 |
This document gives an overview on all DGIF artifacts, deliverables, and specification and defines basic and conformance classes for DGIF in the area of geospatial vector data. |
205 |
Defence Geospatial Information Model (DGIM) |
3.0.0 |
2024-07-19 |
This standard provides information on the purpose and structure of data within the Defence Geospatial Information Model (DGIM) part of the Defence Geospatial Information Framework (DGIF). |
206 |
Defence Geospatial Feature Concept Dictionary (DGFCD) Description and Content |
3.0.0 |
2024-07-19 |
This standard provides information on the purpose and structure for the registration of geospatial phenomena within the Defence Geospatial Feature Concept Dictionary (DGFCD), part of the Defence Geospatial Information Framework (DGIF). |
207 |
Defence Geospatial Real World Object Index (DGRWI) |
3.0.0 |
2024-07-19 |
This standard provides information on the purpose and structure of data within the Defence Geospatial Real World Object Index (DGRWI) as part of the Defence Geospatial Information Framework (DGIF). |
208 |
Defence Geospatial Information Framework Encoding Specification - Part 1: GML |
3.0.0 |
2024-07-25 |
This document describes a schema using the Geography Markup Language for exchanging data for application schemas of the Defense Geospatial Information Model. |
250 |
Defence Gridded Elevation Data (DGED) Product Implementation Profile |
1.2.1 |
2020-10-02 |
This product implementation profile for gridded elevation data products has been developed to support defense requirements for a uniform, orthogonal grid-based geospatial elevation model for a wide range of geospatial resolutions, in order to ensure interoperability between implementations of elevation products (and their specifications). This profile specifies the content, structure, multi-level grid system and tiling-scheme, as well as delivery and encoding format for gridded elevation products in support of elevation data storage, access, exploitation and exchange. |
252-1 |
Defence Topographic Map for 1:50,000 Scale (DTM50) Data Product Specification (DPS) |
1.1 |
2023-03-01 |
This product specification describes the content and arrangement of a Defence Topographic Map for 1:50,000 Scale (DTM50). |
252-2 |
Defence Topographic Map for 1:50,000 Scale (DTM50) Data Product Specification (DPS) - Portrayal Catalogue (PC) |
1.1 |
2023-03-01 |
This is the Portrayal Catalogue (PC) of the Defence Topographic Map for 1:50,000 Scale (DTM50) Data Product Specification (DPS) |
252-3 |
Defence Topographic Map for 1:50,000 Scale (DTM50) Data Product Specification (DPS) - Annotation Catalogue (AC) |
1.1 |
2023-03-01 |
This is the Annotation Catalogue (AC) of the Defence Topographic Map for 1:50,000 Scale (DTM50) Data Product Specification (DPS) |
253 |
Defence Topographic Exchange (DTOX) Data Product Specification (DPS) |
1.0 |
2018-06-26 |
This is a data product specification describing the exchange of basic topographic vector data from a GML application schema, derived from Defence Geospatial Information Framework (DGIF). |
254 |
Defence Raster Product (DRP) Implementation Profile |
1.0 |
2020-06-12 |
This standard, for raster map products, supports defence requirements for the creation and exchange of a wide range of raster cartographic products. It defines a multi-scale grid system for standardised products, the associated structure, tiling-scheme, the data and metadata content and encodings (GeoTIFF, GMLJP2 and NSIF) that are to be used. |
255 |
Defence Orthoimagery Product (DOP) Implementation Profile |
1.0.0 |
2021-05-05 |
This Defence Orthoimagery Product Implementation Profile supports Defence requirements for the creation and exchange of a wide range of orthoimagery products. It defines a multi-resolution grid system for standardised products, the associated grid structure, tiling-scheme, the data and metadata content and encodings (GMLJP2, GeoTIFF and NSIF). |
260 |
International Program for Human Geography (IPHG) Data Product Specification (DPS) |
1.0 |
2022-02-28 |
This Data Product Specification (DPS) describes the requirements for defining and exchanging
standardised geospatial vector data covering the Cultural Context and Statistical Extent Locations
as set out by the International Program for Human Geography (IPHG). |
262 |
DGIWG 262 MUVD Metadata Specification Ed1 |
1.0.0 |
2021-12-10 |
MUVD Metadata Specification produced in collaboration with MGCP |