The objective is to provide a scenario where coalition nations collaborate in the peacetime/routine exchange and co-production of common geospatial information products.
Allied nations collaborate in the peacetime/routine exchange and co-production of common geospatial information products. These products are designed to support the other scenarios identified as well as mission specific objectives and homeland defence. The intent is to ensure compatibility between the products produced by nations and the systems that they deploy between allied nations so as to enable deployment of forces under any of the other scenarios. Co-production is also intended to reduce the cost of data production and maintenance by burden sharing of the production task. While the scenario does not address a specific type of operation, the member nations participate in this collaboration for a) the sake of increasing their over-all preparedness for operational activities, and b) provide information to support strategic planning at national and coalition levels.
Aspects of Coalition Geospatial Support
The development of common geospatial information products is heavily reliant on the development and adoption of standards and specifications that define these products. The key driver for collaboration is to fulfill strategic objectives, rather than to address specific operational situations. Success cannot be measured by the successful completion of an operation, but rather by the level of contribution that nations provide over the long term. The period of geospatial support is continuous. The operational tempo is low. Co-production may exist through a coalition or independently via bi- or multi-lateral arrangements; however, a common set of base geospatial standards and registers need to be provided to support all types of co-production.