Program Areas

The Programme of Work (POW) provides a visualization of all the tasks across each Technical Panel that are open with their end dates and the stages of work to achieve the publication of the Standard or profile. Additional information on the Technical Panels are also listed below:

Models and Schemas for Geospatial Information (Vector Data Panel – P1)


The purpose of the Vector Data Panel (P1) is to develop and maintain standards and product specifications that facilitate the efficient exchange of vector-based geospatial information. Defence user communities apply these standards and specifications in manner that can evolve how vector-based geospatial information is used. Vector data standardisation is carried out within the Defence Geospatial Information Framework (DGIF).

The beneficiaries of DGIF outputs are DGIWG member nations and associates (e.g. MGCP, IPHG, NATO, and the general defence community) who are involved in the development, production, analysis, and application of geospatial feature datasets


DGIF provides NATO and non-NATO Nations with a baseline of standardised artefacts to utilise and build upon to enhance information coherence and interoperability.  Responsible for the production of DGIF, P1 defines and creates vector data standards to codify feature datasets and imbed attributes about real-world features. Core components of DGIF are; the Defence Geospatial Information Model (DGIM), Defence Geospatial Feature Concept Dictionary (DGFCD), and the Defence Geospatial Real World Index (DGRWI).  The DGIF is a common starting point for the development of Data Product Specifications for raster and hardcopy charts and maps (e.g. Defence Topographic Map), digital geospatial data exchange schemas and web map services (including feature services).  DGIF artefacts are largely based on the ISO/TC211 191xx series of standards for Geographic Information/Geomatics with extensions incorporated as needed, particularly for the defence community.

Imagery and Gridded Data (Imagery and Gridded Data Panel – P2)


The purpose of the Imagery and Gridded Data Panel (P2) is to develop and maintain standards and product specifications for georeferenced imagery and gridded data (IGD) products. These standards and specifications facilitate modelling, encoding and access, or exchange of georeferenced imagery and gridded data (including coverage and geolocated sensor data). These outputs enable interoperability across civil and defence user communities for imagery intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR), and improve production of imagery and terrain products.

The beneficiaries of P2 activities include DGIWG member nations and associates, defence partners, and government agencies with ISR capabilities and producers of derived imagery and terrain products.


P2 addresses IGD and related metadata through the development of standard data models (e.g. Elevation Surface Model – ESM), and respective encodings for still imagery capture and processing (namely GeoTIFF, JPEG 2000/GMLJP2 and NSIF – i.e. STANAG 4545). These enable the design and development of standardized data and products to meet existing and future warfighter requirements. P2 places emphasis on high resolution imagery, such as Defence Gridded Elevation Data (DGED) for elevation products, Defence Raster Product (DRP) for raster products and Defence Orthoimagery Product (DOP) for orthoimagery products.

DGIWG’s IGD standards strongly rely on ISO and OGC standards. P2 is reponsible for coordinating with ISO TC211, OGC projects of interest, and with the NATO JCG ISR. Key focus areas are; still imagery, STANAG 4545, sensor models for NATO MASINT, web services. P2 is also responsible for providing guidelines and best practices related to IGD standards and their implementation to facilitate interoperability and reduce risk associated with data loss due to data delivery, transfer mechanisms, or to data compression. 

Metadata (Metadata Panel – P3)


The purpose of the Metadata Panel (P3) is to enable the discovery, evaluation, use and management of geospatial information and services for DGIWG nations and associates by developing and maintaining common metadata standards. This is achieved by the maintenance and implementation of the DGIWG Metadata Foundation (DMF) which defines and standardises Defence community metadata. 

The beneficiaries from DGIWG metadata activities are DGIWG nations and associates (e.g. MGCP, NATO, EUMS, etc.), defence industry and the general defence community involved in the production, exchange and management of digital geospatial datasets. 


P3 is responsible for maintaining the DGIWG Metadata Foundation (DMF) to manage the development of metadata profiles that fall within the DMF.  The metadata is used to describe and manage resources (e.g. dataset, series, services, etc) in terms of certain well-defined attributes.  DMF v.1.0.0 is a profile of ISO 19115, 19115-1, 19115-2, and 19119.  DMF v.2.0.0 also included 19115-3 with an emphasis on 19115-1 content. DMF focuses on the defence domain, containing some defence specific elements to address access to data (metadata releasability addressee, and resource releasability) and resolution of geospatial information (resource data level).

Portrayal of Geospatial Data and Products (Portrayal Panel – P4)


The purpose of the Portrayal Panel (P4) is to create and maintain a set of standardised portrayal rules, symbols and labelling that utilise feature datasets created in accordance with the Defence Geospatial Information Framework (DGIF). P4 also provides guidance on consistent definitions, terminology and procedures for hardcopy printing of maps and charts, as well as digital representations within web-enabled geospatial products and services.

The beneficiaries of P4 work are groups in DGIWG member nations and associates (e.g. NATO, MGCP, IPHG) and the general defence community involved in the production of geospatial raster and hard copy products including maps and charts, and in the development of geospatial web services.


P4 focuses on the rules governing map portrayal. This includes, but not limited to, shapes and colours of feature symbols, depiction of text labels, resolution and scale at which symbols are visible (OGC Portrayal DWG).  P4 will also work on standardizing symbology registry data, symbology styles, encoding labelling definitions, and portrayal ruleset creation and maintenance, encoding and distribution.

Geospatial Web Services (Web Services Panel – P5)


The purpose of the Web Services Panel (P5) is to foster the discovery, retrieval, exchange, and use of geospatial data and products by creating and maintaining standards and implementation profiles for geospatial web services.

The beneficiaries from DGIWG geospatial web service activities are DGIWG nations and associates, NATO, defence industry and the general defence community involved in all systems and applications that create or ingest geospatial web services such as command and control systems, production software and analytic applications.


P5 focuses on established standards including from OGC and ISO, and with other DGIWG panels to ensure commonality in all technical aspects of developing, implementing and maintaining geospatial web services, including aspects of portrayal, feature services, cataloguing, tiling and search/retrieval. P5 will address the technical issues related to:

•           Geospatial information services.

•           Service architectures and supporting network interfaces.

•           Data exchange formats.

•           Where possible, public domain standards based on ISO and OGC standards will be used or profiled.